C3 provides methodological support for core outcome set initiatives in dermatology to ensure high quality across COS development and implementation.
Step 1: Preparation
This first stage involves a COS Group developing an initial proposal in conjunction with the Methods Group. Once finalized, the project is then registered at COMET (Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials).
Step 2: Protocol
During this phase, a full protocol for domain development is prepared by the COS group in conjunction with their Methods Group advisor. For example, the population, condition, intervention, setting (trial/registry/clinical practice), geographical region and identification of stakeholders are all issues that are considered. This protocol is submitted for peer-reviewed journal publication.
Step 3: Outcome Domains
During step 3, the outcome domains are identified. Through a modified DELPHI process involving multiple stakeholders, including patients, a consensus is reached about which domains should be part of a Core Outcome Domain Set. Once achieved, this document is then submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
Step 4: Domain Measurement
The final stage itself has 3 elements: 1) Identification of all instruments already being used to measure the domains of interest; 2) Assessment of the quality of the instruments identified, which included application of the OMERACT filter relating to truth, discrimination and feasibility of outcome measures; 3) Agreement (through the modified DELPHI process) of one instrument per domain of interest. Once finalized, the Core Outcome Measurements Set is then submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal
Research Methods Leadership
Jan Kottner

Murad Alam

Cecilia. A.C. (Sanna) Prinsen, PhD

Research Project Coordinator