Disease State: Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is the second most common skin cancer, and in many Western countries, it is one of the most common cancers overall. Outcome measures for treatment of cSCC frequently focus on likelihood of recurrence. However, for many patients, cSCC is an episodic and ongoing chronic process associated with additional morbidities and costs. Solid organ transplant recipients and other immunosuppressed patients are particularly susceptible to cSCC. There is a lack of consensus on treatment recommendations for cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas. This is due to a lack a standardized set of outcomes, which makes it is difficult to truly assess and compare the efficacy of various therapies and interventions.
Project Goal
We aim to develop a core outcome set by (1) identifying all current outcomes from a systematic review of literature; (2) involving other stakeholder groups such as other clinicians, and regulators to participate in identifying additional outcomes; (3) conducting Delphi consensus exercises on the identified outcomes; (4) presenting all results from the Delphi exercises during a face-to-face (if possible) consensus meeting to vote and agree upon a core set of outcomes important for cSCC research.
Project Leads
Murad Alam

Key Project Team Members
Steering Committee
Murad Alam
Joseph Sobanko
Ian Maher
Todd V. Cartee
C3 Methods Partner
Jamie Kirkham

Murad Alam (m-alam@northwestern.edu)
Schlessinger DI, Iyengar S, Yanes AF, Chiren SG, Godinez-Puig V, Chen BR, Kurta AO, Schmitt J, Deckert S, Furlan KC, Poon E, Cartee TV, Maher IA, Alam M, Sobanko JF. Development of a core outcome set for clinical trials in squamous cell carcinoma: study protocol for a systematic review of the literature and identification of a core outcome set using a Delphi survey. Trials. 2017;18(1):321. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28701207/
Reynolds KA, Schlessinger DI, Yanes AF, Godinez-Puig V, Chen BR, Kurta AO, Cotseones JK, Chiren SG, Iyengar S, Ibrahim SA, Kang BY, Worley B, Behshad R, DeHoratius DM, Denes P, Drucker AM, Dzubow LM, Etzkorn JR, Harwood CA, Kim JYS, Lawrence N, Lee EH, Lissner GS, Marghoob AA, Guminiski A, Matin RN, Mattox AR, Mittal BB, Thomas JR, Zhou XA, Zloty D, Hughes BGM, Nottage MK, Green AC, Testori AAE, Argenziano G, Longo C, Zalaudek I, Lebbe C, Malvehy J, Saiag P, Cernea SS, Schmitt J, Kirkham JJ, Poon E, Sobanko JF, Cartee TV, Maher IA, Alam M. Development of a core outcome set for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma trials: identification of core domains and outcomes. Br J Dermatol. 2021;184(6):1113-1122. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33236347/
Updated on May 1, 2022