Disease State: Pustular Psoriasis
Pustular psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that can be localized, such as to the palms and soles, or may be widespread. Absence of validated standardized measures to be used across drug development programs in pustular psoriasis is likely to limit access to safe and effective therapies. COMPASS brings together physicians, researchers, patients, pharmaceutical companies, payers, and regulatory agencies from around the globe in its effort to develop and validate a core outcome set for localized and generalized pustular psoriasis. Our participants originate from more than 6 countries, making our collaboration truly multinational.
Our core outcome set development process began with a review of the literature. We will also conduct a nominal process with our stakeholders to generate initial relevant items for measurement in trials. Through a modified Delphi process, we aim to achieve consensus for the pustular psoriasis core domain set. Subsequently, COMPPASS will select and develop instruments to measure each of the core domains. In parallel, we are developing a pragmatic tool that can be utilized to evaluate clinical effectiveness in practice. Throughout this process, COMPPASS aims to facilitate sharing of information, networking among different our stakeholders, and to advance clinical research for pustular psoriasis.
Project Goal
Core Outcome Measures in Pustular Psoriasis and Associated Syndromes (COMPPASS) seeks to establish a core outcome set for pustular psoriasis suitable for interventional trials.
Project Leads
Kristina Callis Duffin

Megan Noe

Key Project Team Members
Deepak Balak

Siew-Eng Choon

Jo Lambert

Hazel H. Oon

Lluis Puig

Phyllis Spuls

C3 Methods Partner
Amit Garg

Megan Noe (mnoe2@bwh.harvard.edu)
From COMPPASS Members:
Duffin KC, Bachelez H, Mease PJ, Rosen C, Garg A, Zudak E, Elkayam O, Merola JF, Chau J, Kishimoto M, Furer V, Helliwell PS. Pustular Psoriasis and Associated Musculoskeletal Disorders. J Rheumatol Suppl. 2021 Jun;97:34-38.
Noe MH, Wan MT, Mostaghimi A, Gelfand JM; Pustular Psoriasis in the US Research Group, Agnihothri R, Armstrong AW, Bhutani T, Bridges A, Brownstone N, Butt M, Duffin KPC, Carr C, Creadore A, DeNiro KL, Desai S, Dominguez AR, Duffy EK, Fairley JA, Femia A, Gudjonsson JE, Kaffenberger JA, Katz KL, Kirby JS, Le ST, Martinez E, Maverakis E, Myers B, Naik HB, Nelson CA, Ortega-Loayza AG, Plovanich ME, Rangel LK, Ravi V, Reddy VD, Saleh JZ, Sandhu JK, Shakshouk H, Shields BE, Sharif-Sidi Z, Smith J, Steahr A, Toussi A, Wanat KA, Wang B, Wei BM, Weinhammer A, Worswick SD, Yang A. Evaluation of a Case Series of Patients With Palmoplantar Pustulosis in the United States. JAMA Dermatol. 2022 Jan 1;158(1):68-72.
Noe MH, Wan MT, Mostaghimi A, Gelfand JM; Pustular Psoriasis in the US Research Group, Agnihothri R, Armstrong AW, Bhutani T, Bridges A, Brownstone N, Butt M, Duffin KPC, Carr C, Creadore A, DeNiro KL, Desai S, Dominguez AR, Duffy EK, Fairley JA, Femia A, Gudjonsson JE, Kaffenberger JA, Katz KL, Le ST, Martinez E, Maverakis E, Myers B, Naik HB, Nelson CA, Ortega-Loayza AG, Plovanich ME, Rangel LK, Ravi V, Reddy VD, Saleh JZ, Kirby JS, Sandhu JK, Shakshouk H, Shields BE, Sharif-Sidi Z, Smith J, Steahr A, Toussi A, Wanat KA, Wang B, Wei BM, Weinhammer A, Worswick SD, Yang A. Evaluation of a Case Series of Patients With Generalized Pustular Psoriasis in the United States. JAMA Dermatol. 2022 Jan 1;158(1):73-78.
Updated on May 2022